Jakob Nielsen's Usability Newsletter
Are you a member of Jakob Nielsen's "Alertbox" Usability Newsletter? If not, head on over to his web site to sign up: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/subscribe.html
Every two weeks you'll get an email outlining one of his recent study findings. This week, Jakob revealed his findings on user experience testing on B2B web sites. He makes some really good points about B2B sites not utilizing a "shopping cart" mentality because they don't sell their products or services directly online. But if your site is a lead generation tool, the concept of a "shopping cart" is very valuable to think about.
- Do you have a form on your web site to collect leads?
- Does every page on your site have a clear "call to action" that guides the user to successfully completing the transaction (giving you their contact information)?
- Can the user find their way back to the "cart" (contact form) from any page on your web site?
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